Editorial Submission Guidelines for VALVE Magazine and VALVEmagazine.com
VALVE Magazine is the quarterly, four-color magazine of the Valve Manufacturers Association (VMA: www.vma.org), located in Washington, DC. The magazine and website are managed by Gardner Business Media (GBM: www.gardnerweb.com) in Cincinnati, OH. The circulation comprises users, buyers, specifiers and distributors of valves, actuators and controls, valve manufacturers and industry suppliers. In addition to the print circulation, thousands of industry professionals worldwide view editorial content via the current and past digital issues posted on VALVEmagazine.com, as well as a variety of additional content exclusive to the magazine’s website.
VALVE Magazine’s purpose is to:
- Inform and educate the buyers, users and distributors of industrial valves, actuators and related products about these products and their selection, application and maintenance.
- Address issues or concerns affecting the flow control industry and its customers.
- Create and maintain a positive public image for the U.S. and Canadian flow control industry.
- Introduce the interested lay reader to the valve industry.
- Support and enhance the activities and services of VMA.
The editorial content of VALVE Magazine is determined solely by the judgment and discretion of the editors, who periodically consult with an Editorial Advisory Board and other industry members. The views and opinions expressed in the magazine are those of the article authors and do not reflect or represent official policy of VMA unless specifically stated. Authors’ affiliations are clearly identified.
VALVE Magazine Audience
A large portion of the magazine’s readers are mid-to upper-level managers who have the authority to purchase or influence the purchase of valves, actuators, controls and related products and services. These readers tend to have a broad or unspecialized technical or engineering background. Their level of experience, particularly regarding the selection and use of valves and actuators, is likely to vary widely. VALVE Magazine strives to provide articles that are at a technical level to interest and inform the experienced user/specifier and are comprehensible to the sophisticated lay reader. However, with so many newcomers to the industry, the publishers have developed a “Back to Basics” series, designed to provide an overview of various valves and actuators and a series called “Where Valves are Used” that covers end-user industries. Each issue of the magazine includes a mix of technical articles, practical applications, problem-solving examples, product and application primers for beginners and issue-oriented features.
Preference for all articles, columns and website content is given to publishing information provided by VMA and VRC (Valve Repair Council) member companies. In addition, we welcome articles from end users, AEC/EPC companies and consultants.
Feature Articles
Feature articles are 1,500 to 1,800 words and include a headline, introduction, body, conclusion and, where appropriate, references. Please do not prepare and submit a feature article without first discussing your idea with an editor.
In addition to technical articles, VALVE Magazine includes departments and columns that offer a variety of news, product information, insight and opinion on all subjects of interest to the industry. While we encourage contributions, due to space limitations we cannot guarantee placement. Columns for the print edition of the magazine are between 800 to 1,000 words.
- Industry Capsules—Short items about VMA member companies (U.S. and Canadian manufacturers, distributors and suppliers) and their employees, including topics such as plant openings, contracts awarded, new or expanded services, mergers and acquisitions, honors and recognition, and other items of interest to the industry.
- Valve Basics—Various categories of valves, actuators and controls in “Basics” articles, modeled after VMA’s Valves 101 program. These articles are designed for newcomers to the industry.
- Editor’s Product Picks—The editor selects and reports on the latest valves, actuators and controls, as well as other products, tools, equipment and software used in process control and plant operations.
- Beyond Valves—Understanding how valves and actuators work involves understanding the numerous products that are used to make them, as well as other parts of the flow control system where valves are employed.
- Maintenance & Repair—Issues of interest to end users wishing to keep their products performing efficiently and topics relating to valve testing, maintenance, service and repair.
- Distribution—The companies that distribute valves to end users are a vital partner in the valve chain. The magazine highlights issues of concern in this area and reports on what issues of interest to distributors.
- Materials Q&A—VALVE Magazine answers specific technical questions about materials use and other ongoing developments with materials.
- Standards—A vital part of understanding how the industry work is understanding the guidelines companies follow. New and established standards and guidelines are addressed.
- Water Works—Items of interest for the clean water and wastewater industries including recent innovations that affect performance and enhance efficiency such as fabrication techniques and improved materials. Market development and environmental concerns also are covered.
- Education & Training—One of the most challenging issues in industry today is how to attract the talent and skills needed to fill today’s positions and careers. This column provides tips and reports on what is going on to inform those who are hiring workers and also to those who are looking for work.
Website Features
In addition to the print version, VALVEmagazine.com includes articles in the following areas:
- Technical Issues & Challenges
- Association News
- Trends & Forecasts
- Manufacturing
- Business & Management
- End-User Industries
- Regulations & Guidelines
- Interviews with Industry Experts
Online articles that do not appear in the print version still receive wide exposure as the website is seen by approximately 150,000 unique visitors annually. Website features vary in length but are between 800 and 1,800 words.
Final copy is due for articles on the following dates:
- Winter issue (mailed mid-January) — Nov. 1
- Spring issue (mailed mid-April) — Feb. 1
- Summer Issue (mailed mid-July) — May 1
- Fall issue (mailed mid-September) — Aug. 1
Brief extensions may be granted by the editor, but articles not submitted by the agreed-upon date may be pulled from the scheduled issue, and future publication will depend on space availability.
Reprints/Distribution Rights
Authors or other interested parties should contact Heather Gaynor at GBM to purchase four-color professional reprints or an electronic PDF file of any VALVE Magazine article. Reprints make excellent, cost-effective marketing and educational tools.
Original Non-Infringing Works
Authors represent that the articles, artwork and photos they submit are original and/or created by the author and do not infringe upon any intellectual property or other rights of a third party.
Papers, Presentations, Blogs and Webinars
Papers and presentations given at industry meetings or conferences may be submitted for publication. Credit is given to the organization where the paper was presented. The author should request clearance for publication from the related organization. Webinars and blogs that appear on the author’s company website may be used as the basis for articles.
Previously Published Articles
The magazine generally does not publish papers or articles that have appeared in other media. The editor must be notified of prior publication as well as any other places an article might appear.
Use of Trade/Company Names
Avoid the use of trade names, company names and proprietary names. Any exceptions to this rule should be brought to the editor’s attention prior to submission of the article. VALVE Magazine reserves the right to modify or reject any articles that it deems to be advertorial or promotional in nature. When use of a trade name is determined by the editors to be essential to an article, the author must verify that spelling and applications described for the trade product are accurate.
Text Format
Feature articles should be submitted as a Word document and may be sent to the editor as an email attachment. If you want to embed photos in the article to show where they should be positioned, this is permissible, but art should also be submitted as separate files. See below.
All digitally submitted artwork should be 300 dpi, preferably saved as a .jpg file. Formats accepted include .tif, .jpg, .png or .eps; or Illustrator .eps or .ai. If you embed pictures in Word files, please also send separate files to reproduce correctly. Send all items via email. If your graphic documents are too large to email, upload images at files.gardnerweb.com. Also, please identify what is being illustrated or shown in each file. Artwork provided should include at least one four-color shot suitable for “opening” the layout. Include captions for charts, graphs and photos with the submission of the artwork. Visuals must be camera-ready quality or supplied in a program that can be opened by the designers.
Author Bio/Contact Data
Current biographical data must be submitted for each author of an article, complete with contact information (title, company name, address, phone, email and website address).
Reference/Quotation Source List
A reference list should cite all document titles, volume and issue numbers and page numbers. A quotation source list should include names, titles and company affiliation, as well as email addresses for individuals quoted.
Editorial Review
All articles are subject to review by VALVE Magazine’s Editorial Advisory Board and must comply with the magazine’s established Editorial Review Policy.
VALVE Magazine is not legally responsible or otherwise liable for the contents of any published articles.
Direct all submissions and questions about VALVE Magazine and VALVEmagazine.com feature articles and columns to Heather Gaynor, editor, 513-527-8808.