The media brand about industrial valves and controls
Published quarterly by the Valve Manufacturers Association of America (VMA), VALVE Magazine is highly regarded by manufacturers as a vehicle to educate and inform their customers and valued by thousands of readers who depend on the magazine for the latest information about valve and actuator products, technologies, applications, standards, maintenance and safety.
The primary objectives of VALVE Magazine are to:
- Educate and provide the most current, up-to-date information on the selection, application and maintenance of industrial valves, actuators and related products.
- Address the concerns and issues that affect the ever-changing flow control industry through a mix of articles, including technical reviews, practical applications, case studies, problem-solving examples and issue-oriented features.
- Report on the latest trends, developments, and innovations within the industry in a manner that will interest the experienced and as well as be useful to the sophisticated lay person.
- Increase the awareness and enhance the activities and services VMA provides, as well as, creating and maintaining the positive public image for U.S. and Canadian manufacturers.
VALVE Magazine's editorial is directed toward users, specifiers, buyers and distributors of valves, actuators and other flow control industry products and services. Circulation totals 22,000 with pass-along and digital readership estimated at more than 75,000 industry professionals, including top executives, senior management and engineers, plant engineers, maintenance personnel, purchasing managers, distributors/sales professionals and valve manufacturers.
Subscribe to our quarterly print magazine or biweekly e-newsletter.
Contribute press releases, case studies and other content via the instructions in our editorial submission guidelines.
Promote your valve-related products or services by advertising with us or contact our publisher for information on sales representation.
VALVE Magazine is published by Gardner Business Media Inc., located at 6915 Valley Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45244. Contact Gardner Business Media