Flowserve to Acquire Valve Manufacturer MOGAS

Edited by Heather Gaynor, Editor, Valve Magazine

Flowserve announces intended acquistion of Mogas Industries, severe service valve manufacturer in Houston, Texas.
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Latest Launches

Valtorc International Launches New Fugitive Emissions Valve Series 197 ball valves for fugitive emissions applications.
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Industry News

The U.S. Supreme Court overruled a longstanding precedent set in 1984 with Chevron vs. Natural Resources Defense Council, one of the most cited cases in American law.

New Aluminum Covers for Control Valves

Cla-Val introduces Cla-Cover line designed to protect its automatic control valves.

Leap and Samsung SmartThings Deploy Automated Virtual Power Plant Solutions

Available this summer in California and New York, the Flex Connect demand response program offers new rewards to users and relief for the electric grid.

Emerson Celebrates 150 Years of Crosby Product Line

Emerson is celebrating the 150th anniversary of its Crosby line of pressure relief valves (PRVs), marking a significant milestone in the history of PRVs and overpressure protection products.

Energy Transfer and Sunoco Announce Permian Basin Joint Venture

The joint venture combines respective crude oil and water gathering assets in the Permian Basin.

Teadit Receives Certification of Standard Achievement

ASME U-stamp certification is assigned to pressure vessels meeting set standards.
#pressure-relief #standards


Valtorc International Launches New Fugitive Emissions Valves

Valtorc International announces its high-performance, stainless steel flanged end ANSI class 150# Series 197 zero fugitive emissions ball valves.