Valve Technology Reduces Compressor Surge Risk
With demanding performance requirements and targets for reducing emissions placing plant compressor equipment at risk of damage, proven anti-surge and compressor recycle valve technology can help the oil and gas industry avoid disruptive and costly unplanned compressor damage and consequently downtime.
The Intriguing Story of the Pressure Seal Valve
In a quest for more efficient power generation, power plants in the 1930s pushed the pressure-temperature envelope.
The Boom of Hydrogen Service
Hydrogen is very reactive and highly explosive, and it is composed of the smallest molecules known to man.
The Great Teflon War
Whether you call it the “Great Teflon War” or “The Battle of Massachusetts,” the fight took place in the courtrooms of The Bay State, rather than in its cities or countryside.
VMA Looks Back at 2012 and Forward to 2013
Contrary to dire predictions, the end of the Mayan calendar signaled only the end of one cycle and the beginning of another, while the end of 2012 signaled the end of another banner year for the Valve Manufacturers Association and the beginning of an exciting 2013.
A History Made in Metal
Today’s valve material choices are like a Chinese buffet: Everything imaginable is on the menu.
The U.S. Valve Industry in World War II
While valves didn’t directly sink ships or shoot down planes, the American valve industry played an important role in winning World War II for the allies.