
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASME was formed to help “the global engineering community develop solutions to real world challenges.” The nonprofit was founded in 1880 to enable collaborations, sharing of knowledge and skills across engineering and to promote engineering to the general public.


Reflect, Plan and Pivot: VMA's Commitment to You

How VMA empowers members and the industry by informing and educating.


New Year and New Opportunities

By: Heather Gaynor, Editor, Valve Magazine

Talk about coming in like a lion! 2025 is already posing great challenges and opportunities.


VMA's Policy Agenda and President Trump's Priorities

Update from the VMA on recent Executive Orders signed by President Trump and their impact on the flow control industry.  


Industry Profile: Stuart Prestridge

A personal profile of Stuart Prestridge from Setpoint Solutions, and long-serving member of the Valve Magazine editorial advisory board.
#actuators #pressure-relief


Reflections on Leadership: Lessons Learned in My Career

Giving your team autonomy and always listening and learning leads to strong teams and confident salespeople.  


Successful Conference on Fluoropolymer Restriction Impact on Flow Control Industry

By: Heather Gaynor, Editor, Valve Magazine

VMA, the Hydraulic Institute and the Fluid Sealing Association collaborated as part of the Flow Control Coalition to bring together industry experts and stakeholders on this topic.  


Connection, Learning and Innovation: The Power of Industry Events

Industry events help us learn, connect and grow and everyone should try to be more involved.


Infrastructure Project Growth Expected to Continue

Speakers at the recent Market Outlook Workshop conducted by VMA and HI have mixed predictions across industry sectors.  
#VMAnews #water-wastewater


Industry Profile: Phil Mahoney

Valve Magazine talks with Phil Mahoney of A. W. Chesterton Company about his industry experience and what he does for fun.