
America Makes Next Technical Review & Exchange Scheduled

Event returns to UTEP.


America Makes announced a return to its first satellite center location, the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), for the Spring 2023 Technical Review & eXchange (TRX) scheduled for March 7-8. The partnership with UTEP extends the reach of the organization’s mission and expands its regional, industrial, and technological footprint. The TRX event is open to members as well as non-members, and
Photo Credit: America Makes
showcases the ongoing and successful America Makes projects portfolio by sharing the research and development of additive manufacturing (AM) within our contracted project efforts. TRX allows the opportunity for members/partners to host the event platform to increase awareness within their region and ecosystem by inviting keynote speakers, their network, partners, and stakeholders. This platform showcases the abilities and efforts of America Makes to effectively collaborate, catalyze, and convene the AM ecosystem. Registration is now open at:


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