
Westinghouse Begins Joint Licensing Process for Microreactor in US and Canada

Each eVinci microreactor is designed to provide approximately 5 megawatts of electricity for eight-plus years without refueling.


Photo Credit: Westinghouse

Westinghouse Electric Company announced it has filed a Notice of Intent to submit key licensing reports for the eVinci microreactor to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission for joint review. The NRC and CNSC signed a Memorandum of Cooperation in 2019 to facilitate such technical reviews of advanced nuclear technologies.

The report topics for joint review include a common set of key requirements for the classification of systems, structures and components for the eVinci microreactor. This approach will enable deployment of a standard design in both the U.S. and Canada. Other topics for review are defining the necessary transportation requirements for shipment of the eVinci microreactor across the border and factory safety testing and inspection programs.

“We look forward to working closely with both regulatory agencies as we move through the timely development and deployment of this unique advanced reactor technology,” said David Durham, energy systems president for Westinghouse. “This joint engagement is critical to rapidly delivering a safe, reliable and efficient microreactor to our customers.”

During 2022, the Westinghouse eVinci microreactor team submitted 24 technical white papers to the NRC. The first two topical reports for formal NRC review were delivered ahead of schedule in December. The topical reports are created to gain early NRC approval on critical aspects of the technology and design.

The eVinci Microreactor builds on decades of Westinghouse innovation, to bring carbon-free, safe, and scalable energy wherever it is needed for a variety of applications, including electricity and heating for remote communities, universities, mining operations, industrial centers, data centers, and defense facilities, as well as the capability to produce hydrogen. Each eVinci microreactor is designed to provide approximately 5 megawatts of electricity for eight-plus years without refueling and is factory built and assembled before it is shipped in a container to any location.