
IMI Critical Engineering Joins VMA

The VMA is proud to welcome three of IMI Critical Engineering’s U.S. brands to the membership along with IMI PBM, which remains a member.


The VMA is proud to welcome three of IMI Critical Engineering’s U.S. brands to the membership along with IMI PBM, which remains a member. The brands include:

  • IMI Fluid Kinetics
  • IMI Z&J

IMI Critical Engineering offers customized, highly engineered flow control solutions at the heart of complex energy and production processes, helping industries operate safely, cleanly and efficiently.  The company designs, manufactures and installs innovative critical flow control systems, backed by complete plant lifecycle service support that ensures efficient maintenance and plant optimization.

IMI Critical’s portfolio also includes the following global brands:

  • IMI Bopp & Reuther
  • IMI Newman Hattersley
  • IMI Orton
  • IMI Remosa

For more information on IMI Critical Engineering, visit