MSS Publishes Revised and New Industry Standards
The Manufacturers Standardization Society (MSS) of the Valve and Fittings Industry is excited to announce publication of the new Standard Practice SP-158-2021, Supplemental High-Pressure Gas Test Procedures for Valves.
#standards #pressure-relief
The new Standard Practice, MSS SP-158-2021, is now available from authorized U.S. and global distributors. It has been published in an electronic version (PDF) and in book format.
Also, SP-92-2021, Valve User Guide, has been revised and published by MSS.
Standard Practice (SP)-92 has served the industry for over 41 years; providing a standardized informational guide to assist industrial valve users engaged in a variety of applications and in various operating environments. The information is divided into five main sections: “References”, “Selection”, “Shipping and Storage”, “Installation”, and “Operation and Maintenance”. SP-92 continues to be maintained under the consensus of MSS Technical Committee 306, Valve Operation.
The revised Standard Practice, MSS SP-92-2021, is now available from authorized U.S. and global distributors. It has been published in an electronic version (PDF) and in book format.
The Limits of Standard Manual Globe Valves for Throttling
A common practice in process services is to use manual globe valves with hand wheels for regulating flow.
NACE MR0103 Material Compliance
Q: I have a material certified to be compliant with NACE MR0175.
Standards for Actuator/Gearbox Flanges
“Many variations in valve and actuator dimensions and characteristics have come into play especially now that we have worldwide vendors,” said Paul Souza, training manager at AUMA Actuators in a presentation at the Valve Manufacturers Association Virtual Valve Forum in November 2020.