
Valve Forum 2023 Early Bird Registration Ends Soon

Register now for access to new content, cool tours and more!


With technical, management and marketing, manufacturing and valve fundamentals all covered, this year’s Valve Forum in San Antonio, Texas, is shaping up to be a great event. Take a tour of the San Antonio River Tunnel to see valves in a critical real-world application. Visit the facility of member company, Setpoint Integrated Solutions plant. Interact with student attendees who are eager to meet with more experienced industry pros to secure mentorships and knowledge to take them into their careers. And interact with one of our many sponsors and exhibitors. To register or for more information, visit the website here


  • An Interview with VMA's New Board Chairman

    At VMA’s 83rd Annual Meeting, Ron Warren, President and COO of Bray International Inc., was elected the board chairman of VMA for the next year.

  • Solenoid Valves: Direct Acting vs. Pilot-Operated

    While presenting in a recent VMA Valve Basics 101 Course in Houston, I found myself in a familiar role: explaining solenoid valves (SOVs) to attendees. (I work with solenoids so much that one VMA member at that conference joked that I needed to be wearing an I Heart Solenoids t-shirt). During the hands-on “petting zoo” portion of the program, which involves smaller groups of attendees, one of the most frequently asked questions I get from people came up: What’s the difference between direct-acting and pilot-operated SOVs, and how do we make a choice?

  • Virtual Valve Forum and Basics Event Draws Attendees from Across the Industry

    More than 200 people from across the valve industry participated virtually in the VMA Valve Forum and Valve Basics event, which included 4 days of presentations on technical, manufacturing, management and marketing, valves 101, and valve repair.