VMA News
A Successful Hydrogen Valve Summit and Valve Forum: Conference & Exhibits The Valve Manufacturers Association (VMA) recently held its inaugural Hydrogen Valve Summit and annual Valve Forum: Conference & Exhibits in Houston, Texas.
A Successful Hydrogen Valve Summit and Valve Forum: Conference & Exhibits
The Valve Manufacturers Association (VMA) recently held its inaugural Hydrogen Valve Summit and annual Valve Forum: Conference & Exhibits in Houston, Texas. More than 150 people gathered for the events, including manufacturers, distributors suppliers and end users from the flow control industry.
The three days kicked off with the Hydrogen Valve Summit on Tuesday, April 9. This one-day Summit featured discussions on topics such as the energy transition and hydrogen gas turbines; the pathway for decarbonization and hydrogen; hydrogen valve standards; and the intersection of sustainability and hydrogen solutions. The speakers provided information on the overall hydrogen market and landscape, including investments and activities by governments and other nongovernmental organizations (NGO), as well as examples of current projects in development by some entrepreneurial and innovative companies. Member companies of VMA also shared some of their testing activities and current approaches to meeting the hydrogen market demand.
Valve Forum attendees joined the keynote, which was provided by Mike Train, SVP and chief sustainability officer of Emerson, which was moderated by Rachal Hollinger, EVP, industrial and Hilton products at DeZurik. It was an interesting and enlightening conversation about the importance of developing a sustainability lens to help meet government, customer and societal sustainability requirements — and to also help protect the planet. The importance of taking small steps and getting employees involved was mentioned throughout the discussion.

Keynote Speaker Mike Train, SVP and CSO of Emerson, and Rachel Hollinger, EVP, Industrial and Hilton, DeZurik.

Matt Thiel, president, AUMA Actuators Inc. and VMA immediate past board chairman; Andy Duffy, vice president of sales for discrete automation at Emerson and VMA chairman of the board; and VMA President Heather Rhoderick.
The Valve Forum commenced on Wednesday, April 10, and continued through Thursday, April 11, with sessions divided into four tracks: Management & Marketing, Technical, Manufacturing and Valve Fundamentals. Opening keynote speaker Lauren Bruns, from Deloitte Consulting, addressed five key manufacturing industry trends: consistent talent obstacles; decarbonization and electrification; supply chain; the smart factory; and aftermarket services — and how AI stretched across each of the trends.
Among the four tracks of the forum, there was no shortage of discussions taking place, from PFAS implications, sustainability, energy, workforce, fugitive emissions, interpreting marketing data and much more.

Keynote speaker Lauren Bruns, from Deloitte Consulting, talking about 2024 manufacturing industry trends.
Networking lunch with exhibit displays.

Gasket assembly techniques live demonstration from speaker Russ Currie of Flexitalic.

Tour participants outside United Valve in Houston.
For those who chose to stay, the Valve Forum concluded on Thursday with a tour of United Valve’s facilities, providing insights into the valve repair, testing and modification done by the company.
“It was an exciting week for the VMA. The Valve Forum is the most comprehensive educational gathering spot for the entire valve industry value chain, offering insights and trending and key topics, business opportunities and product information, with the addition of the Hydrogen Valve Summit this year and a tour of United Valve.”
Heather Rhoderick, VMA President
VMA thanks the sponsors and exhibitors of the event for their support in making this event possible. The Hydrogen Valve Summit was sponsored by AUMA Actuators, Baker Hughes and Emerson, and the Valve Forum was sponsored by EFCO USA, Setpoint Integrated Solutions, Trident Systems and VanAire.
An announcement with the 2025 Hydrogen Valve Summit and Valve Forum: Conference & Exhibits date and location will be made this summer.
VMA Welcomes New Member
VMA welcomes Dimensional Machine Works as a supplier member! Dimensional Machine Works is a high-precision machine shop that manufactures components and subassemblies for the valve, process and flow measurement, and oil and gas industries. In business since 1999, the company is a world-class manufacturer of precision machined components with a U.S. office in Houston, Texas. Find out more at www. dimensional.us.
VMA Board of Directors Provide Direction and Leadership on Key Issues
Led by Board Chairman Andy Duffy, VMA’s board of directors held its first meeting of 2024 in March, with a few critical issues on the agenda including: the PFAS ban and industry implications and VMA’s response; sustainability; government affairs; energy transition; industry education and networking, along with general association business issues. VMA members can look for a survey on government affairs activities soon, as well as the next economic and business condition pulse survey.
The board discussed the implications of a PFAS ban, and agreed to hold a workshop this fall on this topic (see page XX for more information). It also agreed to hold the Market Outlook Workshop in person in the Chicago area again. Other Association business items such as a review of the organization’s financial standing and membership were also discussed.
VMA Works to Designate Industry & Member Products as “Currently Unavoidable Use” of PFAS
In March of this year, VMA, as part of a Flow Control Coalition, submitted formal comments to both the states of Maine and Minnesota, requesting that industry products which contain intentionally added PFAS be designated as an example of a “currently unavoidable use” of PFAS in their states. Because both states have upcoming bans on selling and/or distributing PFAS-containing materials, it is important that VMA provides the precedent with these states so that other states and the federal government may follow. VMA thanks its member companies who are working on this issue on behalf of the entire membership. As the articles in this issue on page XX explain, this is a significant issue for our industry and VMA is glad to support our membership to help explain our industry to lawmakers so that operations can continue on in the best way possible.
Market Outlook Workshop Announced
VMA, VRC and Hydraulic Institute (HI) members will convene August 1-2, 2024, in Oakbrook, Illinois, a Chicago suburb, for the 2024 Market Outlook Workshop. This workshop is open only to VMA, VRC and Hydraulic Institute members.
VMA’s Market Trends and Statistics Committee, chaired by Steven Szpak of Trillium Flow Technologies, will plan the workshop and identify key topics and speakers. The workshop provides economic experts, as well as the experts who research and follow the economic indicators for end-use markets important to the valve and pump industries, including oil and gas, construction, energy chemical, mining, water/wastewater and more
“Last year we held the event in person for the first time since the pandemic, and all attendees and speakers appreciated the opportunity to be in person and network. A casual networking dinner was held, which really helped to reinforce the networking between the pump and valve industry. We are glad to offer this again this year,” says VMA President Heather Rhoderick.
Student Scholarships Available to Children of VMA Members
The Valve Manufacturers Association Scholarship Program was established to provide educational opportunities to the children of VMA member company employees. The program intends to provide families of VMA member company employees with financial assistance to help offset the rising cost of postsecondary education and promote careers in areas of importance for the valve manufacturing industry. Named after VMA’s longest running president and employee, William Sandler, the scholarship was established to honor his dedication, contributions and achievements for the VMA, its employees, member companies and their customers.
This year, VMA is excited to increase the scholarship amounts available! Scholarship Applications for 2024 are now open and will close June 1, 2024. For more information on the VMA Scholarship Program, visit www.vma.org/sandlerscholar.
Buyer’s Guide Provides Supplier Information
The VMA Valve Industry Buyers’ Guide is the best source for suppliers of hundreds of different flow control products and services provided by U.S. and Canadian manufacturers, distributors and repair and maintenance firms. When you visit the guide, be sure to look for companies displaying VMA and VRC logos! To visit the buyer’s guide visit www.valveindustrybuyersguide.com.
August 1-2, 2024: Market Outlook Workshop – Oakbrook, Illinois (outside of Chicago) (VMA/VRC members only). Registration is open.
October 2-4, 2024: VMA/VRC Annual Meeting – Park City, Utah (VMA/VRC members only)
November 12-13, 2024: PFAS Implications for Flow Control Workshop – Alexandria, Virginia, (Nov. 12 – Open to the industry; Nov. 13: VMA/VRC members only)