
Flowserve is Winner of 2021 Chemours Supplier Award

With hundreds of eligible suppliers, Flowserve is one of only four to receive this award for its performance in sustainability and improving its EcoVadis rating.


Flowserve Corp., a leading provider of flow control products and services for the global infrastructure markets, today announced it was selected to receive a 2021 Chemours Supplier Award. The Chemours Supplier Awards recognize suppliers that have distinguished themselves by driving quality, innovation, and sustainability improvements in Chemours’ supply chain. 

“Whether it’s through enhancing the safety of our operations, reducing our environmental footprint, enabling energy transition or making a difference through our community impact program Flowserve Cares—we are purposeful about sustainability,” said president and chief executive officer Scott Rowe.

Chief sales officer Keith Gillespie added, “As energy transition continues to evolve around the world, we are driven by innovation and are uniquely positioned to enable our customers and help them adapt and meet their own sustainability objectives. We are honored to be recognized for these efforts; and, we look forward to continued innovation for many years to come.”

Chemours recognized Flowserve for the quality of its service, responsiveness and commitment to improving sustainability which aligns with Chemours’ 2030 Corporate Responsibility Commitment goals. Flowserve was noted for having gone above and beyond in light of the challenges faced in 2021, becoming more flexible to adapt to the needs and demands of Chemours’ operations.

Receiving this award exemplifies Flowserve’s pledge to create a better world for everyone and will continue to adapt, innovate and deliver for current and future generations.

For more information on Flowserve’s ESG and sustainability progress, or to access the Flowserve 2020 ESG Report Executive Summary, visit our Corporate Sustainability page on