Fundamental Operation of Pilot-Operated Safety Relief Valves

In this second of a series, we explore another type of pressure relief valves used in common applications.
#pressure-relief #basics #knowyourvalves


Pressure Relief Valve Basics – Spring-Loaded Safety Relief Valves

Learn for the first time or brush up on this common valve product.
#pressure-relief #basics #knowyourvalves


Undefined and Overlooked Valve Selection Considerations

Startup and shutdown, cleaning and emergency upset conditions should be accounted for when selecting valves for your system.


Register for the Valve Basics Seminar and Petting Zoo Today!

Join us Nov. 9-11 in Pasadena, TX for a three-day program consisting of content that covers the common types of valves used in multiple applications, an advanced look at flow-control technology beyond the common valve used in specific markets, and how valves continue to evolve based on current trends.
#VMAnews #knowyourvalves #basics


Ball Valve Basics

By: Greg Johnson

Welcome to the first in a series of Valve Basics articles, each focused on a major product type and written especially for newcomers to the industries that use and make valves and related products.
#basics #knowyourvalves #ball-butterfly-plug


An Introduction to Axial Flow Check Valves

Check valves are self-actualizing devices that respond to both pressure and flow changes in a piping system.
#knowyourvalves #gate-globe-check


The Different Types of Solenoid Valves and How They Work

Solenoid valves are automatic flow control devices popular across different industrial applications.
#knowyourvalves #solenoids


Weight-loaded, Low-pressure Protection Devices 101

In the world of low-pressure and low-vacuum relief valves—defined for this article as valves with settings less than 15 psig—there are several different common valve configurations.
#basics #knowyourvalves


Pressure relief valves: What makes them different?

Facilities use many different types of valves to keep themselves operating, and each valve within a plant serves a different function.
#pressure-relief #knowyourvalves


The Final Control Element: Controlling Energy Transformation

When selecting control valves, be sure to properly evaluate the process conditions to identify potential issues and select the proper management techniques.
#controls #knowyourvalves


Differences Between Double Block and Bleed and Double Isolation

There is an important distinction between DBB and DIB, as they often fall under the same category and are used interchangeably within the industry.
#basics #knowyourvalves


Enhanced Safety in LNG Applications

For more than 40 years, the safety record of the global LNG industry has been excellent, due to attention to detail in engineering, construction and operations.
#components #knowyourvalves


The Next Step in Functional Safety

The primary goal of functional safety is to prevent accidents.
#maintenance-repair #components #standards


Where Valves Are Used: Everywhere!

Learn about the many industries in which valves play critical roles in this comprehensive article that was first published in 2017.


Pneumatic Valves: New Technology for a Digital Transformation

Principles built around the Industrial Internet of Things have guided the automation industry’s rapid adoption and mainstreaming of many production systems.
#components #knowyourvalves #iiot


Auxiliary Connections: Why We Have Them

Valves are a vital part of the piping systems that run like arteries and veins throughout industrial plants.
#basics #knowyourvalves


Evolution of Butterfly Valves on Aircraft Carriers

Butterfly valves are an integral part of keeping an aircraft carrier’s firemain system operating smoothly.
#ball-butterfly-plug #automation #knowyourvalves


Christmas Tree or Wellhead?

In the complicated but vital industry of drawing oil and gas out of the earth and getting it to the surface, people often get confused about the difference between a Christmas tree assembly and a wellhead.


Are Your Safety Instrumented Systems Proof Tests Effective?

Many people assume that a proof test of a safety function is 100% effective.